How to support your Detox System

Do you struggle with these health issues?
- Constipation
- Acne
- Skin inflammation (rashes, eczema, psoriasis)
- Allergies
- Headaches
What do these frustrating health issues all have in common?
One – some degree of congestion in a system (a blockage of proper flow or movement) and two – inflammation.
By improving your body’s cleansing ability, you will be able to get to the root of these health concerns. Supporting the movement of waste and toxins out of the body greatly reduces systemic inflammation.
Decrease inflammation and congestion by cleansing. Support your kidneys, lymph and skin!
When we think about ‘cleansing’ or detox’ these two big organs come to mind; the liver and the colon. Much like plumbing in your house all of the organs of elimination are connected, so effective cleansing is more than just a “one size/ fixes all ” cleanse kit you pick up at the health food store, drinking green juices and abstaining from alcohol for a couple of weeks. Impactful results and sustainable health benefits are achieved when you go beyond a quick fix cleanse approach and dig deep. Make sure to assess the functioning of all the organs and how best to support them in the detox process.
Going along with the house plumbing analogy, you might notice a blockage in one location, but the root cause and the consequences are found further along the line. For instance, if a drain is not flowing properly (e.g. could show up in your body as constipation), as a first go-to you might try and combat this condition by taking fiber or laxatives. However, one key consideration needs to be our water intake. If we aren’t drinking enough, the colon doesn’t have the ability to allow the waste to be collected properly and drawn out of the system. On the upstream of the colon, the kidneys, lymph and the skin will also be greatly affected from dehydration. When any of these organs are not supported and thus under-functioning, you can experience sluggishness, congestion and a lack of healthy circulation beyond the level of the colon but the expression of constipation is the red flag that gets your attention!
Here are some ways to give proactive attention to these important organs to ensure they are functioning at their optimum!
1. The kidneys filter 500 gallons of blood per day. They act as the filtration system of the body and help to eliminate toxins in the form of urine. Kidneys are vital for removing waste, controlling the body’s fluid balance, and always keeping the right levels of electrolytes.
2. Cleaning the Kidneys
- Water! Drink *plenty of filtered water *
- Avoid salt, coffee, tea, alcohol, and soda
- Include green drinks and foods like wheatgrass, lemon, beet, and watermelon juice to help support kidney function.
Lymph & Skin
1. The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that transport lymph, a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells, throughout the body. We have more lymph fluid in our body than blood! The lymphatic system is crucial for helping rid the body of toxins, waste, and other unwanted materials.
2. The skin can be considered the largest organ of elimination. The primary way it eliminates toxins is through sweat and this is especially helpful when other organs are “backed up”.
3. Cleansing the Lymph and Skin
- Dry brush the skin in morning before showering or before bed. (See dry brushing guide)
- Cold shower. Alternate the water temperature from hot to cold at the end of your shower.
- Massage (Weekly is ideal)
- Sweat liberally and like you mean it! :) through exercise, dance, steam baths saunas and sweat lodges!
*How much water is enough/day?
Take ½ body weight in lbs, and that is what you should drink in ounces.
i.e. 128 lbs person x 0.5= 64 ounces water = 8 glasses x 8 ounces (1cup) water/day=
2 L (1 L= 32 ounces=4 cups)