Dry Skin Brushing

Dry Skin Brushing is a wonderful technique to add to your daily self-care routine.
Our skin is our largest organ of elimination therefore, it is important to pay it some much-needed attention. Dry Skin.
Brushing helps increase circulation, bringing more blood flow to our skin, hair, and nails.
It is good for:
- overall skin health.
- helps support the lymphatic system.
- helps with skin conditions like acne and eczema ( but you don’t brush those areas themselves!).
How to dry brush:
The brush:
- Find a natural bristle brush or loofah with a long handle. The bristles should be firm enough that you feel a gentle exfoliation sensation but soft enough that you don’t leave scratches on your skin or feel any discomfort while brushing.
- You can find a dry skin brush at most health stores and department stores. Here is a link to a Vancouver product:midnightpaloma.com
The technique:
- Dry brushing is best done before a shower or bath.
- Make sure to only dry brush on dry skin.
- Apply gentle pressure with the brush and rub in small circles.
- Start from the extremities and work towards your heart (feet to legs, hands to arms).
- Note: Exfoliation is not the goal.
- Make sure to avoid tender and sensitive areas including face, nipples, blemishes or rashes.